World Creativity Day, launched by Lucas Foster, is a global movement celebrated on April 21st.
It highlights the role of creativity in driving positive change and innovation. The day encourages people to engage in creative thinking and problem-solving through events, workshops, and activities aimed at promoting new ideas and solutions for global challenges.
I saw bringing World Creativity Day to Jaraguá do Sul as a chance for people and ideas to converge and diverge, maximizing our creative potential and making the city and our lives more interesting.
Inspired by this vision, I applied to become the leader for World Creativity Day and to host the event in my hometown, Jaraguá do Sul, southern Brazil. I was selected and received approval and training to organize the world’s largest creativity festival.

It was the first time the festival was held in Jaraguá do Sul, an innovative industrial city surrounded by nature. Producing a big event from scratch was quite a challenge for me. Fortunately, I received training as a creative leader from the World School of Creative Leadership, and I was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming local support. With this extraordinary backing, we successfully brought the festival to life.
This festival is designed by the community for the community, so when we opened applications for speeches, workshops, and activities, we were amazed by the diversity of ideas. We decided to accept all the submissions and spread the activities over three days at three different locations. The whole event was free entry, and we had a fantastic turnout of people enjoying more than 30 activities, between April 20th and 22nd, 2022.
My biggest intention was to offer such a variety of activities that everyone could find at least one completely new topic. Children, fashion students, designers, elders, lawyers, digital creators and many others, were reunited to create and talk about Creativity. It was just the beginning of a festival that became part of the city's calendar.

Partnership and Acknowledgment: