Being invited to speak with the students of the "Academy of Artistic Skills" (A3) at SCAR was a great honor. With great joy, I was able to participate in this beautiful project that gives teenagers the opportunity to develop their talents and immerse themselves in the artistic world.

I prepared a special class for them, addressing the artist's obsessions. Together, we embarked on a journey for them to explore their own obsessions, leading to a very honest exchange that will help them in the conception of their next exhibition.
A Academia de Aptidões Artísticas é uma realização da SCAR em parceria com o Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (CMDCA) e prefeitura de Jaraguá do Sul, e patrocínio das empresas WEG, Engie, Flexível, Menegotti, Agricopel e Live!.
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