ILUMINA workshop is a creative laboratory.
The initiative stemmed from Alessandra Piazera after returning from a stint at Domaine de Boisbuchet (France) with a strong desire to share the inspiration experienced there and promote creativity in her hometown Jaraguá do Sul (Brazil). In collaboration with the cultural producer Bárbara Saturnino, they developed a workshop with the purpose of encouraging participants to explore possibilities and extract beauty from simple objects.
"At the height of the rise of the era of disinformation in Brazil, my intention was to bring Plato's Allegory of the cave as a dialogue about the distortion of reality that we face daily (in Brazil, especially in the stream of videos shared via WhatsApp). Upon entering the cave, my invitation is for participants to realize that with everyday objects, they themselves are capable of creating distortions. For example: projecting a glass, making it bigger, can be seen as the imprisonment of a person. My invitation is to show the individual that anyone is capable of altering reality, including themselves, and therefore to be more critical when accepting the projection of the shadow without questioning its source." Alessandra Piazera.

First edition: 30, 31 October 2021
Second edition: 30, 31 January 2025
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